COPYRIGHT All content and photographs are property of Linda Dresselhaus. 2009-2016. Powered by Blogger.


I love a little whimsy in life...something that just brings a smile to your face.  I LOVE whimsy in decorating- the unexpected little things that surprise you, make you smile, and make you look for more!  In our home there are many whimsical pieces hidden about.  My daughter and I were experimenting with painting "Man in the Moon" faces on old softballs- I added a funnel tin hat on one she did and placed him on a silverplate stand. I added a bingo ball and he now resides on a shelf in the kitchen- makes me smile everytime I look at him!  I also have some sweet old chalkware dolls-I always imagine the person painting these vintage craft projects.   I put a paper umbrella in one doll's hand, for instant fun!  Dog collectibles are whimsical without trying...I have some cute dog chalkware tucked in and about, and the little dog calendar is one I found that had the month and year of my husband's birth right on the front!  I love old portraits- we have a large 20 x 26 hand colored old photo of a boy and his dog as you walk in our home.  It is so charming and everyone wants to know who he is- it has started many stories as you wonder who he was and what his life was like...   There's also have a sweet baby portrait, that I hang in the winter- the baby is dressed so cute for the cold!   Whimsical vintage clocks- working or not- in unexpected places are fun.  Its the little details that make a house a home, and make it yours!  I'd love to hear about whimsy in your home!



  1. I have a clock that is a stagecoach and horse. It has a street lamp that is a night light. It was my mawmaw's. Does you niece still live in New Orleans?

  2. Your clock sounds really special- I love that the street light is a night light- and it's especially nice that it comes from family! My niece does still live in New Orleans- we really loved it there, especially the garden district and seeing the French Quarter- the homes were so beautiful! I lived in S.C. and Savannah GA as a child, so it felt very familiar to me (but oh so different than Minnesota).

  3. I love your whimsy! I don't know where to start...the clock is WonDerFuL! Love the colors. The calender with the sweet pooches. The portrait of the boy is cool too. You have some great stuff. Oh yeah, you & your daughter have excellent imaginations, the softball is the best! Lisa

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! You have the cutest things in your Etsy shop!

    That man in the moon baseball is so cool - love it! You have so many wonderful things.

    I like a bit of whimsy in my decorating as well. My foyer is filled with dog paintings.Some are vintage some are just from the thriftstore and one my duaghter did.

    You have such a fun blog! I'm going to take a look at your other posts now.


  5. WOW Linda you are seriously creative!! I'm so impressed at all you've done! Your "whimsy" is fantastic!!!

    :) T


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