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Another Bright Change in the Kitchen...

 You might remember the "before" photos of my kitchen... I had red shutters hanging on the window above the sink.  The kitchen window is on the side of our house, facing our neighbors' kitchen window, so we need the shutters as a privacy screen for us, as well as for our neighbors, and I also like the architectural interest they add to the room.  The red color just seemed to absorb all the light in the room, making it even seem darker than it was!  Spring has FINALLY arrived in Minnesota and I was able to get these spray painted yesterday!

(no advertising here's just what I used)

If you haven't used a comfort makes spray painting so much easier...just be sure to line up the spray nozzle with the handle opening or you spray the inside of the handle (I may have done this a few times...)

Look how bright the shutters are in the room now... they reflect light into the room...

I love how sunlight comes's adjustable, and gives the needed privacy!

I'm really happy with how these turned out!  The rest of my kitchen painting has stalled lately...and this gives me the inspiration to get going again!

I am joining Savvy Southern Style's Wow Us Wednesday
Common Ground's Vintage Inspiration Friday

Until next time...


  1. I have not tried this thingie for the paint can. That might help things immensely. I just hate squeezing and squeezing that nozzle. This looks absolutely wonderful and so refreshing for your space!

  2. I like that spray paint attachment -- will have to look for one! Thanks for the tip -- your kitchen looks lovely!

  3. Oh these shutters look fantastic white!!! I love shutters anyways.
    I didn't know you could get a handle for spray cans! Very cool!
    Thanks for letting me know Linda!

  4. What a difference a new color paint makes in your kitchen. Love the brightness of the white. I'm going to look for that attachment the next time I decide to do a paint job.

  5. You were so right to go light! I love red, but I agree that it would make things darker! When you have spare time and aren't sore, come on to my house! Love your shutters!

  6. That looks great and yes, I use one of those handles. Thanks for joining the party.

  7. Beautiful! I liked the red but I think the white works better with the new style. YOur cabinets and hardware are gorgeous, Linda! I use one of those handle things but mine is really cheap. I'll have to look for the Rustoleum brand!

    Looks GREAT!

  8. Oh my! What a brilliant difference it makes, they look fabulous!!!
    Hugs, Cindy

  9. I love the gun handle for spraying paint! I don't think I've tried this actual model...mine is the el cheapo version from the dollar store...but is sure beats keeping your finger on the spray button nozzle...
    as for the shutters; I love them white.
    your kitchen sink area looks so bright. I bet the privacy aspect is nice too.

  10. the shutters turned out great! love the white; so fresh and clean.

  11. What a fresh change Linda. I love it. Love your faucet too. Who would think a faucet could be so thrilling, not me until I recently got a new one:)

  12. Love the white...and I love Rustoleum 2x sprays as well=)!!
    Nice job!!

  13. You know I love touches of red, but I love these white! The whole sink area looks great!

  14. The shutters look great and you have inspired me to get some painting done.
    I love the picture of you and Suzanne in your previous post(and her post too). She is such a sweetheart and I imagine you both had a wonderful time together. It really is fun to meet other bloggers. I recently met up with two bloggers and we had a wonderful time.
    Enjoy your spring weather.

  15. WOW, you have been busy--and brave! lol I love the red, but I love the white too! I'll bet the kitchen looks bigger & brighter with the white, doesn't it?

    I hope you're having a good evening--I'm always SO happy to hear from you!

  16. Your kitchen looks so lovely. The shutters are perfect -the light streaming through is wonderful.

    Such a sweet little grille at the bottom of you cupboard :)

    We are hoping to move soon (fingers crossed!) - I think I'll be popping over here often for some inspiration!!!!!


  17. I'm working on toning down the red in my kitchen too. Love the white, so fresh and brilliantly subtle. I'm also a fan of the spray paint handles.

  18. looks great linda. i will have to try that handle. looks like it would be a lot easier.

  19. Hi Linda,
    The white paint really made a difference! I know you've been working hard in the kitchen and it really looks great. Love that hardware!

  20. WEll!! You have been up to so much fun lately! 1) Your shutters look great 2) thanks for the comfort handle tip, I had no idea such a thing existed! 3)loved your last post and your darling photo! 4) there you go with your signature linens. That applique towel is so YOU! And the gorgeous nighty! I see these now again in pieces or tatters. Glad spring is happening your way! Sheesh!

  21. love your kitchen. i would love it if you shared it at my party.

  22. The shutters turned out beautifully, Linda. I finally got smart and discovered those handles, what a finger-saver! Ann

  23. The shutters look great. White just makes everything better doesn't it!

  24. Linda,
    I've never seen a comfort handle for spray paint! I'll be sure to check for one the next time I have a project. Love the shutters in your kitchen, they are a gorgeous color!

  25. Your kitchen looks lovely Linda! I never knew there was an attachment for spray paint handy :)


  26. What a difference paint can make. I discovered that spray can attachment a few years ago, what a difference it makes especially for big jobs. Great job!

  27. I had seen those handle attachment and wondered if they worked. Thanks for the tip about the lining up. The red must have been adorable and on the other hand the white looks very crisp.

  28. so funny ~ that sink area of yours looks so like mine ~ shutters like that might work for me as well. the only real reason to put some up though would be to stop people from seeing how dirty my windows are getting!!! :)

  29. That looks very nice and bright :) We love that comfort spray grip - it's the best!!
    Enjoy your shutter make-over!
    Karla & Karrie

  30. Your shutters look great! and so does everything else we can see! Can't wait to see it all!
    ~ Julie

  31. The shutters look so pretty white! I have used that comfort dohicky and now you have opened my eyes to why it wasn't working for me sometimes... I should be ashamed to say it but there it is! Thanks for helping me figure the darn thing out! LOL xoxo

  32. I am glad you posted about the handle, I have been thinking about getting one of those. I love how your shutters look in your kitchen. Been catching up and I love those finds you had a while back..the English Synonym and Antonym book and the tool book were my faves! Too, your bedroom looks awesome and I have been trying to decide on bedding, I love what you have. Will have to search for a similar one! And how much fun were you two girls having??? I love that seat spring with the pots with the eggs!


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